
Machine condition monitoring

Not offered in 1999

6 points · 78 hours · Second semester · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to acquire an understanding of maintenance philosophies and the application of condition monitoring of rotating and stationary machinery. The student will also recognise the importance of predictive maintenance and be able to set up and run a condition monitoring program.

Synopsis Maintenance strategies. Basic Weibull analysis to find which stage of the machine life cycle is occurring. Benefits of CM. Visual inspection techniques. Non-destructive testing. Analysis techniques for wear debris/contaminants in lubricants. Fault diagnosis from gaseous products in insulating oils. CM of electrical machines. Measurement of pressure, temperature, flow and other variables. Performance analysis applied to common machine types. Overall vibration level and severity. Frequency analysis. Vibration phase angle. Vibration phase angle. Monitoring rolling element bearings. Balancing methods. How to justify investment in condition monitoring. Applying condition monitoring.

Assessment Examination: 40% · Assignments: 60%

Prescribed texts

Beebe R Machine condition monitoring MCM Consultants, 1995 reprint

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