
Industrial management methods

Not offered in 1999

6 points · 78 hours · First semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisites: GCO1831 or permission

Objectives The student is expected to develop an understanding of various topics, techniques and methods which will help him/her to function more effectively in industrial organisations. The student is expected to be able to define and solve problems effectively; develop creativity and apply creative techniques; use value analysis techniques; interpret statistical data and apply statistical techniques in quality control; apply linear programming to industrial problems.

Synopsis Decision making: definitions and factors to be considered in decision situations. Decision-making methods and decision making under conflict, risk and uncertainty. Value analysis procedures and techniques. Linear programming with industrial applications. Creativity with particular reference to decision making and problem solving. Statistics and statistical quality control. The application of commercial computer software such as spreadsheets and data bases to engineering and industrial applications. To keep up to date and to meet specific industry needs, additional topics will be added when required.

Assessment Assignments: 100%

Prescribed texts

Chang Yin-Long and Sullivan R Quantitative systems for business plus (QSB+) Version 3, Prentice-Hall

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