
Vibration and noise control

R Beebe

5 points · 39 lecture hours and 26 laboratory/tutorial hours · Second semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisite: GEG2723

Objectives To equip the student with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable her/him to take the necessary steps to control noise and vibration.

Synopsis Vibration: free vibrations of single degree of freedom systems; forced vibration; transmissibility and isolation of vibration; vibration measurement; two degree of freedom systems; determination of natural frequencies and associated mode shapes; equivalent system modelling; multi degree of freedom system; determination of eigenvalue and eigenvectors. Noise control: fundamentals and basic terminology; the human ear; instrumentation for noise measurement and analysis, sound sources, sound power; sound in enclosed areas; acoustic enclosures and barriers; muffling devices; sound power and pressure-level estimation procedures.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Laboratory: 20% · Assignments: 30%

Prescribed texts

Inman D J Engineering vibration Prentice-Hall, 1996
Bies D and Mansen C Engineering noise control: Theory and practice 2nd edn, 1995

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