
Electrical design III

W R Perera

4 points · 39 lecture/tutorial hours and 26 laboratory hours · Second semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisites: GEG2503, GEG2513, GEG2523

Objectives The student is expected to gain basic knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the design process and the constraints imposed by specifications, the operation of analog/digital conversion and programmable logic controllers. The student is expected to develop skills in applying electronic IC through design using data sheets and prototype testing, and in using computer aided design. The student should gain confidence and interest in design and testing.

Synopsis The design process via transformer design, analog-digital conversion and computer interfacing. Programmable logic controller application and programming. Application of linear and non-linear integrated circuits. Printed circuit layout design and production, application of PC software for schematic and PCB layout design.

Assessment Assignments: 50% · Laboratory: 50%

Prescribed texts

Dept Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Swinburne I. T.) Design data for electrical engineers Swinburne Institute of Technology
Webb J and Reis R A Programmable logic controllers: Principles and applications 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall

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