
Software engineering

S Suthaharan and S Rahman

6 points · 4 hours per week· First semester · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisite: GEG3104 · Prohibitions: CFR3042, CSC2050, RDT2231, SFT2201, SFT3041

Objectives On completion of this subject the student should appreciate the role of software lifecycle models in project planning; be able to use functional and formal methods for specification and design of a software system; and understand the role and applications of tools for supporting the development of large software systems.

Synopsis Software engineering principles; lifecycle models; sizing, estimation, planning and control; requirements specification; functional specification and design; formal specification and design using Z; integration and testing strategies; quality assurance; configuration management, software maintenance.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% · Other assessment modes: 30% ·

Prescribed texts

Pressman R S Software engineering: A practitioner's approach 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992

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