
Materials engineering

G H Edward

4 points · 13 lectures and 26 tutorial/laboratory hours · First/second semesters, Clayton · Second semester, Caulfield · First semester, Gippsland

Objectives To impart an understanding of the principles involved in the selection and specification of appropriate materials for engineering applications, and of the role of economics, design, environmental impact and material properties in materials selection at an introductory level. To foster an appreciation that the performance of engineering components is often materials limited, and that the engineering properties of a material may be tailored to suit a particular application through control of composition and controlled thermomechanical processing.

Synopsis This subject will introduce students to engineering materials using case studies of engineering components selected to illustrate key concepts in the design, selection and application of materials. Attributes such as stiffness (modulus), strength, toughness, chemical stability and electrical, magnetic, dielectric and thermal properties will be explained in terms of the simple concepts of atomic bonding, crystal defects, polycrystalline microstructure and material flaws. Examples of engineering components to be examined include the universal beam, the aluminium beverage can, video tape, the floppy disc, the automotive spark plug, light-weight structures (bicycles, hang gliders, automotive bodies), offshore structures (concrete and steel). Alternative materials for these sorts of application will also be considered, with reference to their use in hostile environments, for example.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% · Mid-semester test: 10% · Assignments and laboratory work: 40%

Recommended texts

Ashby M F and Jones D R H Engineering materials 2nd edn, Pergamon Press, 1996
Callister W D Jr Materials science and engineering 3rd edn, Wiley, 1994


http://www.monash.edu.au/mateng 'Materials Engineering Home Page: Monash University'
http://vims.ncsu.edu/cgi/index.acgi 'Visualizations in Materials Science'

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