
Chemical engineering

T Sridhar (Caulfield/Clayton/Gippsland)

4 points · 26 lectures and 26 tutorials · First/second semester, Clayton · First semester, Caulfield · Second semester, Gippsland

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic understanding of the following: diversity of chemical processes; the common elements and considerations to be found within such diverse processes; the common constraints (ie safety, environmental impact, economic and energy efficiency) under which all such processes operate; the role of process flowsheets in providing quantitative information about processes; the conservation principles of mass and energy; the application of mass and energy balances to solve process problems.

Synopsis Introduction to important specific aspects of chemical processes developed and managed for the provision of products and services necessary in establishing and maintaining a high standard of living and community prosperity. Demonstration that despite apparent great diversity between processes, common elements, constraints and problems can be identified, and that a systematic approach to problem solution can be implemented. Development of the purposes and applications of process flowsheets as a central tool for problem solution and model development. Use of mass and energy balances to solve process problems. Demonstration of how the tools developed in this subject can be applied to the design of process equipment.

Assessment Examination: 70% · Class work: 30%

Recommended texts

Felder R and Rousseau R Elementary principles of chemical processes 2nd edn, Wiley, 1986
Uhlherr P H T and Sridhar T Introduction to chemical processing systems Dept Chemical Engineering, Monash U, latest edition

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