
Environmental management systems

4 points · 18 lectures and 18 tutorials and design · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: GES2420

Objectives The subject aims to develop knowledge and understanding of: the ISO14000 standards; fundamentals of lifecycle analysis; use of environmental auditing; need for cleaner production; need for waste prevention or minimisation; occupational health and safety requirements. Students are expected to develop skills to be able to design, implement, and audit an EMS; to perform an environmental audit; and to carry out a lifecycle analysis.

Synopsis Reinforce concepts and principles of sustainable development; industry codes of practice; environmental practice; environmental principles. Environmental management plans, ISO14000, organisation and management of EMS, environmental standards and regulations. Environmental audits relating to energy, waste, resources, etc; lifecycle analysis; basic concepts of waste prevention and clean production; and an introduction to occupational health and safety aspects. The subject is offered in problem-based learning mode.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Assignment: 50% · Students must pass both examination and assignment in order to pass the subject

Recommended texts

Standards Australia ISO14001 Environmental management systems - specification with guidance for use

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