
Industrial project 2E

J D Zakis

2 points · 26 hours project work · Second semester · Clayton

Objectives Understanding the practical aspects of circuit and systems design as applied to a typical industrial situation. Construction of a prototype and exposure to the various problems and techniques associated with this. Usage of various fault finding techniques and the need for modular methods of construction and testing. Use of various types of test equipment to verify the correct operation of the prototype. Familiarity with component availability and cost minimisation with bulk purchasing.

Synopsis Undertake an investigation into an industrial problem related to electronic engineering and system design. The investigation will be supported by design work and construction of a prototype. The prototype will be used to assess the quality of the design and obtain experience in circuit construction, fault finding, error correction and modification.

Assessment Practical work, laboratory work and fieldwork: 100%


Savant and others Electronic design: Circuits and systems Addison-Wesley, 1991

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