
Computer applications 5

J D Zakis

4 points · 4 hours per week · First semester, Caulfield · Second semester, Clayton · Prerequisites: ENC2403

Objectives An appreciation of trends in software engineering and object-oriented software design as exemplified by the Java programming language. Usage and understanding of a computer-aided drafting package as used in engineering.

Synopsis Introduction to the object-oriented paradigm in software engineering and its development from structured analysis and design as exemplified by procedural languages such as Pascal and C. Program maintainability and code reuse in larger software projects. The Java programming language and its features in the design and implementation of robust programs using the high level of abstraction encouraged by the standard class libraries and packages. Use of the Abstract Windows Toolkit to create graphical user interfaces. Network interfacing and data transfer. Use of applets in providing a secure and interactive interface supported by a Web browser such as Netscape. Usage and features of a drafting package such as AutoCAD or an electronic design automation package such as that provided by Xilinx for their programmable logic devices. Development of some moderately complex designs with the use of these packages.

Assessment Practical work/laboratory work: 50% · Class tests or major design projects: 50%

Recommended texts

Campione M and Walrath K The Java tutorial - object-oriented programming for the Internet: A practical, online guide for writing programs in the Java language Sun Microsystems Inc. and Addison-Wesley's Corporate and Professional Publishing Group, 1996
Auto CAD reference manual
Xilinx foundation on line manual

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