
Fields in communications

S Jenvey

4 points · 26 lecture hours and 26 laboratory/tutorial hours · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MAC2912

Objectives To provide the student with a sound basis in electromagnetics sufficient to enable study of systems and components in fields such as communications and electrical machines.

Synopsis Introduction to electromagnetic fields: electrostatics, magnetostatics, electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations. Propagating fields: planewave propagation, generalised transmission lines, the Smith chart and its usage, free space electromagnetic propagation and antennas.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% · Laboratory work and assignments: 40%

Recommended texts

Kraus Electromagnetics 4th edn, McGraw-Hill, 1991


Iskander Electromagnetic fields and waves Prentice-Hall, 1992
Schwarcz S E Electromagnetics for engineers HRW-Saunders, 1990

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