
Mobile communication networks and systems

T Guy and B A Tonkin

6 points · 36 hours of lectures and laboratory work · Irregular availability · Clayton

Objectives The student is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of the principles of mobile radio networks and how they contrast with those for fixed telecommunications networks, and to develop an awareness of the challenges to be faced in providing a high quality of service.

Synopsis Land and satellite-based mobile radio services, systems and networks. Mobile cellular telephone, paging, telepoint and wireless LAN systems. Characteristics of the mobile radio channel; multipath fading, shadowing and Doppler effects. Modulation, coding and diversity to combat these adverse effects. Switching and other protocols in support of mobility. Frequency reuse and channel allocation. Multiaccess methods. Digital modulation for mobile communications. Future developments in mobile telecommunications and associated new design problems.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% · Assignments and project work: 30%

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