

Offered subject to sufficient enrolment

G K Cambrell and E M Cherry

3 points · 16 lectures and 9 tutorial/laboratory hours · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ECS3312 and ECS3361

Objectives The student is expected to develop an understanding of physical and psycho-acoustics, the transduction principles of microphones and loudspeakers, modelling and analysis of loudspeakers, principles of loudspeaker system design, electroacoustic measurements, principles and limitations of audio recording and playback and some audio circuit techniques.

Synopsis Acoustics. Microphones. Loudspeakers: direct-radiator, horn-loaded, large-area, system design. Measurement techniques. Recording and playback: analog, digital, circuit techniques.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% · Practical work and laboratory work: 30%

Recommended texts

Rossi M Acoustics and electroacoustics Artech House, 1988

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