
Electrical design

K C Ng and M F Conlon

3 points · 36 lectures and practical hours · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ECS3351 and ECS3362

Objectives The student is expected to develop an understanding of the design process from specification to a set of design decisions and obtain experience in the design of a system comprising electrical, electronic and control subsystems. The student should recognise that the design process is the obverse of analysis and ranges from routine design to inventive creation of new equipment.

Synopsis A design task will be selected involving electrical, electronic and control equipment to be designed and assembled into a working system. The class will be divided into working groups. Students will attend lectures, carry out the design processes necessary, test and demonstrate the working system and provide a report. Assessment will be based on the quality of the design work, the demonstration and the report.

Assessment Practical work: 100%

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