
Electrical energy - machines and power electronics

Not offered until 2000

4 points · 26 lectures · 26 hours of laboratory and problem classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: ECE2501

Objectives The student is expected to acquire knowledge of the physical nature and mathematical relationships which describe the performance of electrical plant including DC machines, induction motors and power switching devices with application to rectifiers, inverters and electrical drives. The student should develop the ability to calculate electrical plant performance and conduct experiments, and should understand plant rating and the role of electrical plant in electrical power and distribution systems.

Synopsis Introduction to induction motors; DC machines; protection in electrical power supply systems; introduction to power electronics, switching devices; characteristics of SCRs; rectifier and inverter principles; drives systems; quality of supply.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Continual assessment: 20% · Assignments: 10%

Recommended texts

Gray C B Electrical machines and drive systems Longman Scientific and Technical, 1989
Sen P C Principles of electrical machines and power electronics Wiley, 1989

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