
Digital logic

Dr L Kleeman

4 points · 26 lectures · 26 hours of laboratory and problem classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: ENG1301 · Corequisite: ENG1301 for BCSE and BSE students only

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the discrete representation of information and its processing in digital logic systems; the flexibility and diversity of applications of digital logic; both combinational and sequential logic implementations; and the non-ideal properties of logic circuits and their design constraints.

Synopsis An introduction to modern logic design, hardware and representations. Two- and multi-level combinational logic, programmable and steering logic, flip-flops, registers, counters and RAM, finite state machine design, optimisation and implementation. Laboratories cover logic design, implementation, testing and CAD.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Laboratory work: 20% · Written assignments: 10%

Recommended texts

Katz R H Contemporary logic design Benjamin-Cummings, 1994


Wakerley J F Digital design: Principles and practices 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1994

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