
Municipal and highway engineering

W Young

5 points · 39 lecture hours and 26 tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield

Objectives The student is expected to develop basic understanding and skills relating to the principles and practice of municipal and highway engineering.

Synopsis Institutional arrangements for roads: agencies involved and their relationships with each other. Road classification and road hierarchy. Local government: Local Government Act, municipal councils and their relationships with other agencies. Municipal organisation. Powers and duties of a municipal engineer. Garbage collection and disposal. Footpaths. Parks and gardens. Municipal depots. Rural and urban road construction: methods, performance and selection of plant, clearing, excavation, earth moving, drilling and explosives, lifting and transporting, compaction, shaping and grading. Pavements: types, design, construction. Bituminous surfacing. Drainage. Road maintenance. Roadsides.

Assessment Written (2000 words): 20% · Examination (3 hours): 80% · Seminar participation

Prescribed texts

Underwood R T Road engineering practice Macmillan, 1995

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