
Timber engineering

H R Milner

2 points · 13 lecture hours and 13 tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield/Clayton · Prerequisites: CVE2122 · Corequisites: CVE3121

Objectives To teach students the basic concepts of structural engineering design and the specifics of structural design in timber.
Synopsis Design philosophy and processes: conceptualisation, alternatives, evaluation, detailed design, standardised loadings, limit states and working stress approaches, design based on computation and test, use of AS1170.1. Timber members: modern timber construction, wood the material, available materials, defects, stress grades, basic properties, stress modification factors, deflections, design of columns, beams and ties, glued laminated beams, use of AS1720.1. Timber connections: nailed, bolted, direct force and moment types. Plywood: service grades, stress grades, computation of structural properties, concrete formwork design.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 80% · Weekly assignments: 20%

Recommended texts

Milner H R Use of AS1720 Timber structures code: Explanatory information Monash Timber Engineering Centre, 1998
Milner H R Worked examples for timber structures Monash Timber Engineering Centre, 1998

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