
Industrial project B

P Grundy

24 points · Both semesters · Clayton

Objectives On completion of this subject, the student should be able to acquire knowledge related to a significant engineering project; demonstrate competence in tackling a substantial industrial project with limited supervision; review, discuss and critically assess the approaches available for solving the engineering problem; demonstrate competence in the use of a state-of-the-art method in solving the problem; demonstrate skill in both written and oral communication.

Synopsis The student will undertake an investigation or design of an industrial problem. The topic is to be developed cooperatively between the student, the industrial supervisor and the academic supervisor. It may be in any branch of civil engineering. The solution to the problem is to be documented in a substantial report, which must include a thorough review of the methods that have been used to solve this problem in the past. The report must demonstrate a state-of-the-art approach. It should also thoroughly discuss the theoretical aspects of the problem solution. The student will present the solution to a professional meeting of academic staff, industry representatives and other postgraduate students.

Assessment Project report and interview by supervising staff member: 90% · Seminar presentation: 10% · The industrial partner will also be invited to participate in the assessment of the report.

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