
Concrete technology

J G Sanjayan

3 points · 26 lectures, 6 tutorials and 7 hours laboratory classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CIV2260 or CIV2223

Objectives The student is expected to develop knowledge and understanding of the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and to acquire professional skills for the mix design of concrete and the identification of the sources of defects in concrete.

Synopsis Concrete as a structural material; concrete mix design; properties of hardened concrete; properties of fresh concrete; cements; aggregates; admixtures; manufacture, specification, ordering and supply of concrete; hot and cold weather concreting; mass concreting; durability of concrete; cracking in concrete; handling and placing of concrete; concrete pavements; precast and tilt-up concrete construction; formwork for concrete; investigation, assessment and causes of damage of concrete structures; repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures; lifetime performance of concrete structures; reinforcement detailing; high strength concrete.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 65% · Laboratory work: 10% · Project work: 25%

Prescribed texts

Cement and Concrete Association of Australia Guide to concrete construction 1994

Recommended texts

Neville A M and Brooks J J Concrete technology Longman Scientific, 1987
Ryan W G and Samarin A Australian concrete technology Longman Cheshire, 1992

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