
Timber, masonry and building technology

H R Milner

3 points · 36 hours of workshop · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CIV1210 or ENG1201

Objectives Familiarity with Standards Australia codes of practice for the design of timber and masonry structures. Ability to choose suitable sizes for structural components in simple timber and unreinforced masonry buildings. Familiarity with the basic principles of building construction and the role of the structural engineer in the building design team.

Synopsis The building design team. Structural systems. Structure and cladding. Watertightness. Environmental considerations. Wood and masonry as construction materials. Quality control, safety factors, fire resistance, strength, stability and serviceability of timber and unreinforced masonry components. Simple connections in timber. Principles and procedures for dimensioning common components.

Assessment Final examination: 70% · Practical work: 30%

Recommended texts

Baker R L and others Australian masonry manual NSW Public Works Dept and ACSE (NSW), 1991
Holgate A Course notes: Timber and masonry 4th edn, 1996 (Part A Timber Part B Masonry )
Holgate A Course notes CIV4232 Part C Building technology (1966)
Standards Australia Masonry code AS3700 Standards Australia, 1988
Standards Australia Building code of Australia Standards Australia, 1988
Standards Australia Timber structures code AS1720.1 Standards Australia (revised edition due for publication in 1996)

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