
Theory of structures 4B

J G Sanjayan and R Al-Mahaidi

5 points · 26 lectures, 13 tutorials and 6 workshop hours · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CIV3228, CIV3230

Objectives The student is expected to develop knowledge and understanding of (a) the plasticity theorems, their use in the design of structures and the role of ductility in structural design and (b) the behaviour under load of prestressed concrete members and the methods of design and detailing used for strength and serviceability.

Synopsis Review of plastic design; slab design; Hillerborg's strip method, yield line analysis; reinforcement design using plastic theory. Theory of prestressed concrete; behaviour under load of PC members, flexural strength design of beams, concepts of full and partial prestressing, serviceability criteria, sources of prestressing losses, estimation of deflections and design for shear strength.

Assessment Examinations (3 hours): 70% · Assignments: 30%

Prescribed texts

Standards Australia Australian standards for civil engineering students: Part 2 Structural engineering SAA HB2.2-1995

Recommended texts

Darvall P Le P Reinforced and prestressed concrete Macmillan, 1987
Warner R F and others Concrete structures Longman, 1998

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