
Civil engineering project management

B Lemass

3 points · 39 contact hours · First semester · Clayton

Objectives To provide a clear understanding of the need for project management; the project management context; and fundamental project management processes and knowledge areas; equip the student manager with tools and techniques for a structured application to project selection and planning; develop proficiency with analytical tool application to project, time and cost issues.

Synopsis Knowledge: an appreciation of factual, procedural and heuristic knowledge concepts; an understanding of the relationship between engineering skills and project management knowledge areas; an understanding of the key concepts of scope, time and cost management; an understanding of the project management tools used for evaluating, estimating, cost control, scheduling and project planning; an understanding of how to apply the concepts of project management to real world situations. Skills: apply systematic slection and evaluation techniques to engineering projects; use established scheduling techniques to plan and update engineering projects; estimate project costs using first principles and database unit rates. Attitude: to develop an appreciation of the economic, environmental and social consequence of engineering project decisions; confidence in the role that an engineer should play in infrastructure development.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% · Assignment: 20% · Tutorials: 30%

Prescribed texts

Lemass B CIV3203 Civil Engineering project management course notes Dept of Civil Engineering, 1999

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