
Transport and traffic

G Rose and W Young

4 points · 39 contact hours · Second semester, Clayton · Second semester, Caulfield

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the methods and processes of transport and traffic engineering.

Synopsis Road safety, traffic surveys, the hierarchy of roads (briefly), road network design, road capacity and level of service, traffic flow in residential streets, unsignalised intersection design, signalised intersection design for interface with arterial roads, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, planning and design for commercial vehicles, planning and design for public transport, local area traffic management, traffic impact analysis, land use planning process, environmental considerations and the application of advanced technology.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% · Practical/project work: 50%

Prescribed texts

Ogden K W and Taylor S Y Traffic engineering and management Monash U, 1996

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