
Strength of materials

R Grzebieta, C Haberfield and J Williams

4 points · 13 lectures, 26 hours of tutorial/workshop classes · First semester, Clayton and Caulfield

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the methods and processes which govern the strength of materials.

Synopsis Topics include basic stress analysis; stress in 2D and 3D; strain in 2D and 3D; Mohr circle of stress and strain; equilibrium and compatibility equations; Hookes law; Cartesian and polar coordinates; simple failure criteria - Tresca, von Mises, Mohr-coulomb, Max tensile stress; finite element method - nodes and elements, boundary conditions, mesh design and problems, checking solutions. Introduction to Strand6 package and simple partial and ordinary DEs through compatibility and equilibrium equations. Communication skills will be developed through report writing, group work and interviews. Group dynamics, visualisation (3D to 2D and vice versa), and library and information technology skills will also be covered. Computer skills will be developed through extensive use of spreadsheets, other general packages and STRAND6.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% · Practical/project work: 50%.

Recommended texts

G+D Computing STRAND6 Reference manual and user guide G+D Computing (most recent version)
Hibbeler R C Mechanics of materials Maxwell MacMillan, 1991
Benham P P, Crawford R J and Armstrong C G Mechanics of engineering materials Longman, 1996
Beer F P and Johnston E R Mechanics of materials McGraw-Hill, 1992
Lardner T J and Archer R R Mechanics of solids - an introduction McGraw-Hill, 1994

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