
Introduction to process simulation

3 points · 3 hours per week of lectures and tutorials/laboratory · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CHE2111, CHE3102, CHE3113

Objectives Students should develop a knowledge and understanding of the information and computational tools required for the mathematical description and simulation of an industrial chemical process; and the ability to select and apply appropriate mathematical models and computer software for the operations encountered in industrial chemical processes.

Synopsis The subject will cover an introduction to methods for simulation of chemical processes using digital computers. Topics to be covered include the definition and representation of process flow-sheets, of unit operations and of the physical properties of materials. Software for calculation of specific physical and chemical equilibria and for calculation of steady-state complex process flow-sheets will be introduced. The subject will involve exercises using the computer package HYSIM. Other topics may be added depending on staff and student interest.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Assignments and class tests: 50%

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