
Reaction engineering I

3 points · 20 lectures and 4 tutorials · Clayton · Prerequisites: CHE2111

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the analysis of reaction rate data, reaction mechanisms, series and parallel and complex reactions, energy balances for a CSTR, non-ideal flow and non-catalytic fluid-solid reactions.

Synopsis Rate data analysis; reaction mechanisms; chain reactions; isothermal reactors, mixed reactor systems; multiple reactions; energy effects - non-isothermal reactors, multiple steady states in a CSTR; residence time distributions and models for non-ideal flow reactors; non-catalytic fluid-solid reactions.

Assessment Examinations: 85% · Assignments: 15%

Prescribed texts

Fogler H Elementary chemical reaction engineering Prentice-Hall, 1992

Recommended texts

Levenspiel O Chemical reaction engineering Wiley, 1972

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