Centre for Applied Research and Development

Gippsland campus
The Centre for Applied Research and Development (CARD) was established in 1991 and was originally called the Centre for Research in Health, Education and Social Sciences. It is a self-funding unit to promote research activity in the three named major areas, to act as a focus for staff research activities and to provide infrastructure facilities for project submissions. Since its opening CARD has been successful in gaining research funding from a variety of international, national, state and regional agencies including, for example, Asian Development Bank, Australian Research Council, Rural Health Education Support and Training Program, Department of Education Victoria, Catholic Education Office Victoria, Health and Community Services Victoria, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Wellington Shire and South Gippsland Education Committee.
As part of its health research activities, CARD has developed a close relationship with Monash University Centre for Rural Health, Australian Rural Health Research Institute and Suzhou University Medical Faculty (People's Republic of China). At the same time CARD continues to develop its research profile in the politics of educational change, in teacher professional development and in the study of higher education. Finally CARD intends to extend its activities as a general social science and social survey research consultant for the Gippsland region.
Dr John Gough is executive director. Associate Professor David Harvey, Associate Professor Tony Taylor, Dr Philip Edwards and Dr Keith Stead are co-directors. Inquiries may be directed to (03) 9902 6366, or email john.gough@education.monash.edu.au.