Graduate Diploma of Education (Computers in Education) (GradDipEd[CompEd])

General information

Gippsland campus (distance education)
Course code: 1751 (formerly EPCEDG)
Contact: Mr Jeff Richardson (please telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969 for initial inquiries)

Introduction to course

This course is designed to develop knowledge, skills and uses of computers in education to establish a practising teacher as a proficient user of computers in education and as a leader in the school community for the uses of and the management of computers in education.


The objectives of the Graduate Diploma of Education (Computers in Education) course are to provide students with:

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement is an approved degree or three-year diploma and a recognised teaching qualification. Prospective students must have access to a computer and should be able to access a modem.

Credit provision

Applicants contemplating admission to this course may seek formal credit or recognition of prior learning. Applicants should apply for credit prior to enrolment but currently enrolled students may also apply. The Faculty of Education considers each application on its merits within the context of the faculty guidelines on credit transfer which are contained in a booklet Learning from experience available from the Professional Development Institute, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Gippsland campus, Churchill 3842 ($7 postage and packing).

Course structure

The course consists of the following eight six-credit-point subjects:

New enrolments (first year)

First semester
Second semester

Continuing enrolments (second year)

First semester
Second semester

Length of course/workload required

The course is normally offered over two years part-time by distance education. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is forty-eight.

Further information

Details of all subjects, including reading lists, follow the course information in this handbook.
Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the senior administrator, Faculty of Education, Gippsland campus (telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969) or visit our web site at