

You will be challenged in this subject to think through some of the more profound questions shaping how communities are governed in Australia and elsewhere. You will share this adventure with other students of Australian and foreign backgrounds, drawing on their experiences in all spheres of government, the non-profit-sector and the private sectors. We will look at the basis of democratic society including the different forms and roles of constitutions. We examine how political systems work -- Australian and various different models -- and the relationships between politicians and public servants. Ethics and accountability, including the role of the media and other less formal mechanisms, are examined as central to good governance. We look at the importance of civil society -- non-government networks and acitivity -- in the operation of a community's governance. Finally, we do some crystal-ball gazing, look at the potential implications of recent trends for the future form and style of governance. On successful completion, you will be better equipped to make decisions and provide advice on the rapidly-evolving issues of governance.

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