
Electric circuits

Resistive circuits; voltages and current sources; dependent sources; Ohm's Law; Kirchoff's Laws; resistors in series and in parallel; voltage and current dividers; basic DC meters (the d'Arsonval movement, ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter circuits); the potentiometer circuit. Delta-to-wye techniques of circuit analysis: terminology; node-voltage method; mesh-current method; source transformations; Theven and Norton equivalents; maximum power transfer; super-position. RL, RC and RLC circuits: inductance and capacitance; series-parallel combinations of L and C; natural and step responses of first-order RL and RC circuits; natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: complex numbers; phasor analysis; inductive and capacitive reactances; impedence and admittance; circuit analysis in the phasor domain; phasor diagrams; real and reactive power; complex power; maximum power transfer.

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