
Science education

Students will complete one or two personal study contracts from topic areas such as: (1) comparative study of state science curricula within Australia including the student's home state with reference being made to the national curriculum in science; (2) review of research in a specific topic area of professional knowledge from articles in recent journals or conference publications; (3) study of a topic in the history of science accompanied by a discussion of the relevance of the history of the topic to classroom instruction in science; (4) complete a classroom research project in science education based upon a suitable model obtained from a study of relevant literature; (5) investigate, report critically and make recommendations about the manner in which suitable Internet resources may be used to support the requirements of the student's home state science curriculum; (6) select one of fourteen important issues in science education to present, outline change occurring in the past ten years, and discuss the issue critically in terms of the most up-to-date perspective(s) available.

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