
Drug and alcohol issues in rural communities

This subject has been designed to enable you to: develop an appreciation of the way drug and alcohol use, and related problems, are viewed by different cultures over time; consider local attitudes towards drug and alcohol use; evaluate rural attitudes and strategies for managing alcohol and other drug problems in terms of current government policies; develop the confidence and competence to intervene in, minimise harm from, and adopt an integrated approach to the management of alcohol and other drug-related problems in rural communities. Subject details:
Topic 1 -- The history and management of alcohol and other drug use:
Topic 2 -- Defining drug problems: problems of definition; The development of models for understanding and managing alcohol and other drug problems; Public health and harm minimisation; Special groups, special risks and problems; Generalist health workers in rural communities; Understanding change; Promoting change; Managing alcohol and other drug problems; Detection and assessment; Treatment and evaluation; Dependence and withdrawal.

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