
Information systems and technologies in electronic commerce

This subject will provide an advanced treatment of the theoretical concepts and constructs that underpin electronic commerce, building upon the introduction to these in BEG9601 and in BEG9671. The theoretical concepts and models which will be described and analysed will also be applied to the practical application of electronic commerce in business and other organisations. The subject will focus on systems theory and the theoretical bases of systems analysis and design, on the systems lifecycle examining the various phases involved, the necessity to maintain a focus on end product and resource requirements for system implementation. The subject will also extend the theoretical bases of strategic systems theory by examining information systems analysis and design and relating those to patterns of electronic commerce implementation and the development of strategies in resolving IT and electronic commerce problems in organisations, and will extend an earlier treatment of the management of information and the management of telecommunications. Strategies will be examined to deal with security, authentication and validation mechanisms in electronic commerce and will extend students knowledge of information systems networks and infrastructure.

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