
Services marketing

Ms Janine Hendry

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisites: MKX1120 and all other first-year subjects

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to define a service and understand the implications of this on marketing research, buyer behaviour, classification of services and internationalising services; design a service using blueprinting and the servuction model; develop and implement promotional, pricing, product, distribution strategies for a service giving consideration to the demand management implications; explain the importance of the measurement of service quality, giving consideration to relationship marketing theory.

Synopsis An in-depth analysis of the marketing techniques that apply to service organisations and industries including service design and delivery, customer service, service quality measurement and internal marketing.

Assessment Assignment 1: 25% · Assignment 2: 15% · Tutorial assessment: 10% · Examination 50% · The examination must be passed in order to pass the subject

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