
Research report

Dr David Bednall

24 points · No formal classes · Full year · Caulfield · Prerequisite: acceptance for enrolment in the BBus(Hons) program

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to identify a marketing or business issue in the research literature or in a specific business which has either not been adequately researched or resolved previously or which requires replication; critically review relevant secondary sources within the academic literature and from business sources; develop a conceptualisation of a proposed research project; develop a set of hypotheses to be evaluated by means of a specific research proposal; conduct, analyse and report on the findings so that all main issues and limitations are identified; link the outcomes back to earlier studies and issues in the literature and relate the outcomes to general issues for business. Students will be required to draft, in association with their academic supervisor, an article or journal article on the outcomes of the project.

Synopsis To enable students to conduct and report on a major business-oriented project. Apply the procedures and techniques learned in MKF4030 to a research project; prepare and write a report in such a way to pave the way for a higher academic degree in marketing or management. Students will undertake the research report by a supervised project culminating in a dissertation or report and a joint paper or article written in association with their supervisor.

Assessment Research report (20,000 words) assessed by two examiners (not including the student's supervisor): 100%

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