
Advanced buyer behaviour

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · 3 hours x 13-week semester basis or block mode · Second semester · Caulfield

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students will have the ability to critically appraise the role and contribution of the behavioural sciences to the field of buyer behaviour and their implications for marketing decision making, a sound knowledge of a range of perspectives and the debates over what constitutes a 'scientific' explanation including issues related to whether prediction and control, rather than explanation, should be the goal of the marketing activities. Students will undertake assessment of the influences, underlying assumptions and philosophical foundations of the philosophy of science, psychology and sociology and their implications for marketing decision making.

Synopsis The subject includes study of 'scientific explanations' of behaviour and compares causal, causal temporal and teleological paradigms. It examines the way in which various branches of philosophy, psychology and sociology contribute to a multidisciplinary approach to the building of marketing theory. Students will be expected to develop the ability to compare various approaches to theory building and to integrate and assess recent developments and their impact on choices between differing methodologies and explanatory systems.

Assessment Group assignment/Project (4000-5000 words): 25% · Seminar presentation (specific issue/case study 3000 words): 20% · Literature review (2000 words): 15% · Examination (2 hours): 40%

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