
Advanced marketing

Dr David Bednall

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · First semester · Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to appraise current marketing concepts and practices in a wide range of product and service industries; be able to articulate the broader business, conceptual, legal and economic context in which these issues occur; have developed skills in identifying strategies to deal with these issues; be able to extend the ability to find and synthesise data relevant to specific industries; have developed skills in presenting and reporting views to a critical audience.

Synopsis An understanding of the contemporary issues facing marketing today; an awareness of current trends and identify new areas of possible research; evolution of marketing thought; identify current demographic, economic, sociological, legal, and technological trends; analyse the likely impact of these trends on marketing activities; identify a number of different ways of planning for the future.

Assessment Assignment (3000 words): 30% · Seminar presentation: 10% · Mini presentations: 10% · Class participation: 10% · Examination (3 hours): 40%

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