
Marketing high technology products

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · Caulfield · Prerequisite: all of first and second years of marketing degree

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to recall and apply theoretical models of business buyer behaviour, innovation, product development and implementation, and new product marketing research; apply techniques to analyse and develop solutions to marketing problems encountered in the high technology marketing environment; analyse high technology marketing problems and articulate clear and persuasive arguments concerning the nature of the problem and potential solutions.

Synopsis The world of industrial innovation; the need for new industrial content; products and high-tech marketing; the process of developing and launching a high-tech product or services; idea generation and screening for high-tech marketers; organisational buyer behaviour and high-tech markets; innovation - strategic issues, the development phase, market research for high-tech decisions, launch planning and implementation.

Assessment Class assignments (3000 words): 30% · Case studies: 35% · Industry project (2500 words): 25% · Participation: 10%

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