
Advertising campaigns

Mr Paul Gaskin

6 points · One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial/workshop per week · Caulfield · This is a subject to be taken by Berwick BComn students completing the advertising major · Prerequisite: MKF3621

Objective Students who complete this subject will be able to plan and execute complex campaigns involving brand development or attitude change; manage the input of research information, media planning and creative resources to efficiently execute a finished campaign; operate at entry level in an advertising agency with insight into the management procedures by which it is governed.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an integrative experience of using all the advertising theory and processes to which they have been exposed through their course. Students will further study and use campaign planning and management tools. they will create from briefs two major multimedia advertising campaigns.

Assessment Minor individual/team assignment: 20% · Major individual/team assignment: 50% · Examination (2 hours): 30%

Back to the 1999 Business and Economics Handbook


Advertising campaigns

Mr Paul Gaskin

6 points · One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial/workshop per week · Caulfield · This is a subject in the advertising sequence to be taken by Berwick BComn students · Prerequisite: MKF3621

Objectives Students who complete this subject will be able to plan and execute complex campaigns involving brand development or attitude change; manage the input of research information, media planning and creative resources to efficiently execute a finished campaign; operate at entry level in an advertising agency with insight into the management procedures by which it is governed.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an integrative experience of using all the advertising theory and processes to which they have been exposed through their course. Students will further study and use campaign planning and management tools, they will create from briefs two major multimedia advertising campaigns.

Assessment Minor individual/team assignment: 20% · Major individual/team assignment: 50% · Examination (2 hours): 30%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Back to the 1999 Business and Economics Handbook