
Social marketing

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · Reading unit · First semester · Caulfield · Prerequisite: MKX1120 or completion of the first two years of an undergraduate degree in a field associated with not-for-profit organisations

Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand not-for-profit marketing; understand not-for-profit organisations and the buyer behaviour processes in not-for-profit markets; be able to analyse not-for-profit markets and develop solutions to marketing problems in the not-for-profit environment; understand the marketing planning process as it applies to not-for-profit situations and marketing strategies as they apply to not-for-profit organisations; be able to clearly articulate their understanding in written and verbal form.

Synopsis Essential concepts and frameworks relevant to not-for-profit marketing. Practical exercises in analysing markets, preparing strategies and developing marketing plans, including fundraising. Also includes understanding buyer behaviour processes and integrating these with marketing strategies.

Assessment Practical project: 30% · Research paper (2000 words): 60% · Participation: 10%

Recommended texts

Kotler P and Eduardo R L Social marketing Free Press, 1989
Kotler P and Andreasen A Strategic marketing for non-profit organisations Prentice-Hall, 1991

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