
Statistics for marketing

Ms Jayne Russell

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour computer laboratory per week · First and second semester · Caulfield · Prerequisite: ETX1640

Objectives First, to facilitate an understanding of statistics applied to marketing, including an awareness of the strengths and limitations of selected statistical analyses. Second, to foster sufficient ability to select and apply an appropriate statistical analysis in a variety of circumstances. Third, to impart technical skills necessary for meeting the second objective using software as tools. Fourth, to bolster student numeracy, and to help prepare students for subjects on marketing research and marketing support systems. These objectives are of equal priority.

Synopsis Role of statistics in marketing, marketing data (nature, sources, type), review of descriptive statistics, covariance, review of probability and probability distributions, sampling techniques and estimation, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit and independence, nonparametric statistics, bivariate and multivariate regression, one-way and two-way analysis of variance.

Assessment Computer examination (3 hours): 50% · Written examination (1.5 hours): 50% · Satisfactory performance during the semester is required.

Prescribed texts

Harrison S R and Tamaschke R H U Statistics for business, economics and management Prentice-Hall, 1993

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