
Advertising media strategy

Ms Corrinne Clarke

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial/workshop per week · Second semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: MKB1211

Objectives Students who complete this subject will be able to evaluate the basis of media exposure surveys used in Australia; utilise appropriate quantitative and qualitative measures of media effectiveness; optimise media plans within campaign and media objectives.

Synopsis The subject aims to offer students an appreciation of media research methods in the world's major advertising regions - US, Europe, Asia and Australia - and to instil a critical approach to evaluating such studies. Students will learn the advantages and problems offered by media planning computer programs and will be encouraged to propose improvements. They will learn to evaluate and use interpersonal and inter-organisational skills in negotiating between media and advertising agencies.

Assessment Ten written assignments (total 3000 words): 30% · Major written assignment: 30% · Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

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