
Consumer behaviour

Dr Yunus Ali

6 points · 0ne 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · Second semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: MKB1401

Objectives This subject aims to provide students with an understanding of buyer behaviour and its application to marketing strategy decisions. On completion of the subject students should be able to understand various behavioural concepts and theories relating to buyer needs and motivation, social and cultural factors, and buyers' decision making process; and learn how buying behaviour theories are used to make strategic marketing decisions.

Synopsis The subject covers introduction and overview of buyer behaviour and culture, social class, group process, family influence, perception, learning, motivation, personality and lifestyle, attitudes and buyer behaviour models.

Assessment First assignment (1500 words): 20% · second assignment (2000 words): 20% · Tutorial: 10% · Examination (3 hours): 50% · Students must obtain a satisfactory result in all areas of assessment

Recommended texts

Schiffman L, D Bednall, J Watson, L Kanuk Consumer behaviour Prentice-Hall, 1997

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