
Public relations writing

Dr Carol J Steiner

6 points · One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour practical per week · First semester · Berwick · Prerequisite: successful completion of first year of Chisholm Institute Associate Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing, or corequisite: MGB1230

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to critically assess and apply the basic principles and processes involved in producing competent, ethical and professional PR communications. They will be able to produce clear, concise, accurate and persuasive communications suited to a range of public relations purposes and situations. They will be able to adapt their messages and language to diverse audiences. They will be sensitive to the effects of their communication efforts on intended and unintended audiences both inside and outside their organisations. They will also respect the power of audiences to interpret and construe messages in ways other than intended and will be able to apply strategies to minimise that risk of misinterpretation.

Synopsis The subject introduces students to the principles and processes involved in preparing publishable media releases, newsletters, speeches, fact sheets and brochures. It explores crucial issues like writing for diverse audiences, for promotional and persuasive purposes, and for different media and production environments. Theoretical lectures will explore persuasive techniques, readability research, language theory and communication philosophy to provide a theoretical framework that can be applied to prepare effective communication. Practical lectures will introduce specialist writing approaches and techniques. Based on lectures and reading, students will produce drafts for critical discussion and improvement in practicals and professional communications for assessment.

Assessment Learning journal and process portfolio: 20% · Series of media releases: 20% · Series of information documents: 20% · Two speeches: 20% · 2-hour exam: 20% · Plus a writing proficiency test that must be passed to pass the subject (pass mark 70%)

Prescribed texts

Lannon J Technical writing Harper and Row, 1995
Ng S H and Bradac J J Power in language: Verbal communication and social influence Sage, 1993
Windahl S, Signitzer B and Olson J T Using communication theory: An introduction to planned communication Sage, 1995

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