
Small business and entrepreneurship

Dr Judy Gray

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisite: Completion of the first two years of Bachelor of Business degree

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have developed an understanding of the entrepreneurial function; have developed an understanding of the structure and opportunities within the small business sector in Australia; have demonstrated the capacity to develop both a feasibility study and business plan to either grow an existing small business or launch a new business venture.

Synopsis Characteristics of entrepreneurs, Australian small business sector, business planning and feasibility studies, alternate methods of financing SMEs (small and medium enterprises) Government policy initiatives in developing the small and medium (SME) business sector and management issues for businesses in this sector.

Assessment Assignment (1500 words): 20% · Seminar presentation and paper: 20% · Business plan presentation and paper: 60%

Prescribed texts

Kuratko D F and Hodgetts R M Entrepreneurship: A contemporary approach 3rd edn, Harcourt Brace, 1995
Reynolds W and others Your own business Nelson, 1994

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