
Human resource management strategy and planning

Lecturer to be advised

6 points · One 3-hour class per week · Caulfield and Peninsula Prerequisite: MGX2661

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the various areas of HRM strategy and its importance in enhancing organisational performance; understand how human resource management can be used as a strategic tool for gaining competitive advantage; demonstrate how to implement strategic HRM procedures into organisations.

Synopsis The subject involves a study of the following topics: HR strategy; the external and global environment for HRM; strategic staffing; developing employee capabilities; developing effective managers; strategic performance appraisal; strategic compensation systems; and strategic restructuring.

Assessment Group presentations: 15% · Individual research paper (1500 words): 15% · Group project report (3000 words): 20% · Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Anthony W P, Perrewe P L and Kacmar K M Strategic human resource management 2nd edn, Dryden, 1996

Recommended texts

Miner J B Human resource management: The strategic perspective Harper Collins, 1995
Cowling A G and Lundy O Strategic human resource management Routledge, 1995

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