
Managing information systems

Dr Nick Beaumont

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial or laboratory session per week · First and second semester · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisite: MGX1300

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to analyse and explain the impact of information technology on the roles and careers of managers, and research and report on the impact of information technology on the skills, work practices, structures and cultures of organisations; apply frameworks to align organisational information technology strategies with business strategies and use value chain analysis to seek increased competitive advantage by exploiting new opportunities in using both information and communication technologies; co-manage with information systems professionals in identifying, instituting, managing and evaluating the information systems in the knowledge-based organisation; demonstrate competency in the 'hands on' use of several managerial decision support packages. Students majoring in Human resource management are advised to study an HRM package.

Synopsis The subject covers the components of IT; characteristics of hardware, software and telecommunications; types of information systems; networking; managing 'information' workers; using IT to promote business objectives and gain competitive advantage; business process re-engineering; systems development methodology; IT enabled transformation to adaptive, flexible organisations; social and system issues associated with IT. Computer laboratory exposure to a variety of applications software including electronic mail, project management, graphics, and other decision support software.

Assessment Individual learning contract (1500 words): 20% · Group research assignment (2500 words): 30% · Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Alter S Information systems: A management perspective latest edn, Addison-Wesley

Recommended texts

Deans C and Jurison J Information technology in a global business environment Boyd and Fraser, 1996
Currie W Management strategy for I.T: An international perspective Pitman, 1995
Frenzel C W Management of informatin technology 2nd edn, Course Technology, 1996

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