
Quality management

Dr Milé Terziovski

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial · First and second semesters · Caulfield and Peninsula · Prerequisite: MGX1300

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to understand 'quality' in light of its historical perspective and its role in both manufacturing and service organisations; recognise the economic basis for quality and identify the differences between TQM, quality control and ISO 9000 quality systems certification; understand the need to meet or exceed customer expectations and how this may be achieved; understand the role of process improvements both large (business process re-engineering) and small (Kaizen) as part of a continuous improvement culture; identify a framework for implementing TQM and the accompanying culture change; be aware of the various international quality awards and their criteria.

Synopsis Quality management is a strategic management process applicable to all service manufacturing organisations including the public service. The subject covers introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM) with focus on customers, people working within systems, variation that occurs in all systems, continuous improvement approaches, team-working and empowerment, organisational culture change and the implementation of TQM. The process of ISO 9000 certification and the National Quality Awards (Australian, USA, European) are also covered in some detail.

Assessment Tutorial attendance: 5% · Individual assignment (2000 words): 20% · Group assignment (3000 words): 30% · Presentation: 5% · Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Evans J and Lindsay W The management and control of quality 3rd edn, West, 1995

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