
Agribusiness management

Mr Tim Haslett

6 points · Block mode · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have effectively developed an understanding of fundamental organisational behaviour and management theory and how systems theory can be used to integrate this theory into a set of concepts which will provide students with the appropriate knowledge base for their roles in management.

Synopsis Systems theory including casual loop diagrams, archetypes, structure-policy diagrams. Individual behaviour including personality, learning, motivation; ethics. Group behaviour including group structure, roles, norms, decision making, leadership. Organisational behaviour including bureaucratic theory, the Beer Game, centralisation, decentralisation, structures, social responsibility, organisational culture.

Assessment Reading assignment: 10% · Four group presentations: 20% · Six written papers: 60% · Modelling exercise: 10%

Prescribed texts

Robbins S Organisation behaviour Prentice-Hall, 1994

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